Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hung over

Well now I know why I don't as though I was not hurting enough, Mark decided to get cruel - as though letting me know he was married by email was not cruel enough, I got to bike last night and he had left a box for me - of most of the gifts I have given him, including supplements (he has asked me what he should be taking) gee thanks half used bottles that I will likely dump.

I was able to return the garmin edge, the maps will work on mine but the bike jacket? sunglasses? wtf?

I suppose ebay or craigs list...

anyway, opening the box was just like getting that email - could not breathe - shock - I of course could not do class - ran out came home, and hammered back kamikazes....they did their job.

Fell asleep on the bathroom floor (no memory of this) and someone had given me a pillow, blanket and water....

and today I am hung over. what a shock.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

sleep dysfunction

I thought I was going to sleep well this time, but no. All of this is still ruminating in my head and I am not sleeping well.....I got three good hours last night and then I have been up and down the rest of the time.....
The boys have a track meet (indoors) and I made a deal with them to go to my health club afterwards so I can swim and then we would perhaps see a movie....

So glad I have training to throw myself into.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

chocolate hangover

I had a horrible night's sleep. Anger will do that, being manipulated will do that. And today I feel hung over - but did not drink!!!! chocolate????

Planning to run - deciding between going to health club to use treadmill vs outside......likely the latter as it is sunny out.


The monkey wrench into my journey to race weight- the guy I have been dating for nearly 5 months has been lying this whole time - he is still married!!!! and he tells me by email - this whole expository piece of crap - like I am that gullible. please.

I am angry, hurt and just PISSED OFF. ate lots of chocolate and will run tomorrow.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Why do Mondays suck

Why do mondays suck so much - especially after a few days off....and it is not that I don't like seeing patients, I do, it is just the motivation factor to be in the office is low....

I chose not to run or swim at lunch - I did not sleep well (woke up frequently) so my fatigue level is higher....I still plan to do a short run today - perhaps if Noah wants to go to swim practice I will run while he starts...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Overcoming boredom

I did a 2.5 hour trainer ride - through all the mental talk of stop, I am tired....

I kept the wattage low as this was a just get through it ride (ultimately these will be 4 hours) and I have 3 intense bike classes this week....

It is amazing what mental games go on though.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

One week down

Final score for the week down 1.2 pounds - woo hoo! The attention to intake is working....Went for a swim - first one in 2 weeks and struggled - about a million strokes per length - guess my form needs some work....but I persevered.