Monday, October 27, 2008


Unsolicited, I heard from another passenger (a patient of mine who was on the flight) who as it turns out was right across the aisle from gynormous smelly guy and me. She asked me what happened? She thought the jetBlue FAs were horribly rude to me - she said she heard me ask to move and they told me to sit then turned around and rolled their eyes. Smelly guy did reek to everyone - the guy next to her was complaining to her!

She said I seemed a bit annoyed when I was told to sit down. She saw me close my eyes and put my headphones on clearly trying to zone out.

The next thing she said was - "my friend and I saw them take your bags and we were like huh????"


She laughed when I told her what they said to me. She was royally pissed off!

So for all of you who thought that I must have made a scene - uh no. I really did recount things as they happened.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


As if flying is not bad enough these days, beyond a bus in the air, Jet Blue has taken the idea of their having a fiefdom a bit too far.

I went to Vegas for a convention - got there Thursday night late, had meetings all day friday, a relaxing dinner then off to the airport for my red eye home to Boston. I knew I had a middle seat from check in - of course. But I bought a pillow, had my headset and ipod and planned to pop a sleeping pill when I got on.

As I boarded I took said pill. I walked down the aisle and there was this ENORMOUS guy - taking up his aisle seat and half of the seat next to him - armrest raised. Doom set in - yes of course it was my seat he was poaching. So I get to the row, point to my seat and say that I am next to him. He looks up at me like I am an invader and states that he has a bum leg. And I reply "whatever, you paid for one seat, I paid for a seat and mine is there". He finally gets up, I sit, putting the armrest down and proceed to get out my headphones....He takes a minute to talk to the flying waitresses and then sits - spilling over and under the arm rest. That is when I am overwhelmed with the stench from him - I almost hurled my dinner - what, did his bum leg mean that he cannot shower either? Aren't there laws that you have to have SOME personal hygiene to fly? When the window seat occupant arrives and we stand, I walk over to the flight attendant and say that I am going to throw up if I am next to this person - he really stinks! She tells me to sit where I am assigned for now.

So I sit down, move as far away from gynormous smelly guy as I can - even with me making myself as small as possible, his enormous thighs are touching mine - half my seat is occupied by him. And I pull my sweatshirt over my mouth so that I can breathe without the urge to vomit.

Eventually there is a tap on my shoulder that seat 3E is available - fantastic - I get my stuff and walk forward - 3E is occupied. The flight attendant asks if I am looking for a space for my carryon - I reply no, I was told 3E was where I was to move to but it is taken - turns out it was 13E - ok. I go over, put my stuff in, and proceed to open the overheads - fairly full but I see space for my duffle. The flying waitress tells me snootily that the bins are full - I point and say there is space, and proceed to fit my bag and close the overhead - it is full so I have to use the usual force to get them closed.

The JetBlue ground guy (the one who tapped my shoulder to tell me of my new seat) asks if I am ok - and I say yeah - and then say that the guy just really smelled awful (health hazard bad). He then tells me he needs to speak to me off the plane. I am like what???? He says just for a minute, I can leave my stuff. So I go with him. He then starts berating me, telling me I cannot speak like that - accuses me of yelling....I stand there, agape, tired, and just take it in. He then tells me he needs to speak to the crew and makes me stay on the ramp.

He then tells me I AM NOT FLYING HOME!!!! WHAAAAT????? I am accused of slamming the overhead shut, and making a scene. WHAAAT??? and that the crew is uncomfortable with me being on board - me who is dying to go to sleep. I have kids at home, who expect me in the morning. now what??

I ended up sleeping in the airport and getting a United flight home via Denver, getting me to Boston at 4PM - I would have been home at 7:30AM

One of my patients was on the flight - I am going to try to contact her to see if she heard/saw anything.

I was kicked off for complaining!!!!

On the ground when I told the guy that this horribly smelling guy was half way in my seat he responded that JetBlue does not have a policy of making people buy 2 seats - so I said instead you punish the person who is affected?

He used as defense the fact that no one else said anything - well DUH they were not next to him!

I did NOT make a scene, simply was trying to not get physically ill!

He said he could refund my ticket - but was gone by the time I got and paid for the other flight - so I need to approach Jet Blue for that, but I am disturbed by all this. Do I have ANY rights???

I kind of want to take some sort of action here....

Ok I got that flight segment refunded, and my United ticket was about the same cost so at least I am not out anything but time at this point but really this is ridiculous.

Their OWN contract of carriage states that they can refuse to transport someone with an offensive body odor!!!

But I was kicked off!!!!

totally want to make a stink here (pun intended)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Back at it

I am FINALLY feeling like myself. Weights monday, Ali's bike class yesterday and today swimming and weights. Did a piece for the news that will air next week, and off to Vegas for supply side - a full day of meet and greets....of course I have a full day in the office BEFORE The flight....and home on the red eye....

meds are definitely in order for this one!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

work in progress

Slowly back to is hard being out of shape (for me).

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Healthy, just out of shape

Amazing how blah I feel now...but going to take my time getting back into it....did a short run yesterday and today was not upto biking. Tomorrow is swimming, Monday weights so maybe tuesday for biking - though if I am up for it tomorrow would go - likely run if anything though. OMG the fifth inning of the ALCS and the Sox just got 3 HRs to take the lead! wow. So I guess for today I am a sports fan instead of participant....took my boys to their baseball game, online feed of Kona and the ALCS on TV.....sports orgy....

Saturday, October 4, 2008

If my P3C were a man I would marry it

I am definitely on the mend. Phew. Slept in, then napped and finally went out for a short ride - 17 miles - it felt great. Went easy just to be out there on a beautiful fall day.

Whilst riding I was thinking of how much I have learned this year, how much I have changed....
A year ago I was doing spinning class as the beginning of my training for the biking portion of triathlon. I used clipless pedals for the first time - starting with that class. It was October when I bought my P3C - though I did not ride it outside - I rode it in a class at Landry's on a trainer - where I got used to the Look pedals. By mid November I bought road bike - and did my first outdoor rides with clipless pedals - and of course my first falls....I was terrified to ride on the roads with cars and tried to stick just to paths (that partly goes back to an accident 3 years ago but I digress). I had horrid bike handling skills.

The winter riding indoors made me strong, but on a trainer. I learned how to take my bike apart to pack it for travel - and put it together again. The first time I did this was about one month before my first triathlon - I took the bike with me to florida and did my first rides. Aero was HARD - I did not change gears, I did not MOVE once I was aero There was no drinking water....I ended up doing that whole first race on the horns - but I won my agegroup....

Now I have no issues riding aero, I tend not to have clip falls (but not never....) my bike handling skills have gotten pretty good (thank you to NEBC's introduction to bike racing and Wells' avenue) for that. In general I am comfortable on my bike, no problems riding around cars, and getting bolder about that little space between the cars and sidewalk....some things will always be difficult...I can put my bike together after travel in about 10 minutes and break it down similarly.

I have a long way to go but it is fun to take a minute and think back....