Monday, October 27, 2008


Unsolicited, I heard from another passenger (a patient of mine who was on the flight) who as it turns out was right across the aisle from gynormous smelly guy and me. She asked me what happened? She thought the jetBlue FAs were horribly rude to me - she said she heard me ask to move and they told me to sit then turned around and rolled their eyes. Smelly guy did reek to everyone - the guy next to her was complaining to her!

She said I seemed a bit annoyed when I was told to sit down. She saw me close my eyes and put my headphones on clearly trying to zone out.

The next thing she said was - "my friend and I saw them take your bags and we were like huh????"


She laughed when I told her what they said to me. She was royally pissed off!

So for all of you who thought that I must have made a scene - uh no. I really did recount things as they happened.

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